SEMINARIUM: „Time Flow and Human Mind”: Dorato, Whittmann, Senyk, Polunin, Wróbel

27 stycznia b.r w godz. 10-12 na Wydziale „Artes Liberales” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego odbędzie się seminarium „Time flow and Human mind”. Spotkanie organizowane jest w ramach Open Society Foundation’s Global Dialogues Project. Moderatorem seminarium będzie kierownik Laboratorium Techno-Humanistyki – prof. Szymon Wróbel – a w charakterze referentów wystąpią:

  • Mauro Dorato z Uniwersytetu Rzymskiego,
  • Marc Whittmann z Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health we Freiburgu oraz Ludwig-Maximilians-University w Monachium,
  • Oksana Senyk z Wydziału Psychologii Narodowego Uniwersytetu Iwana Franki we Lwowie
  • oraz Oleksiy Polunin z Kijowskiego National University of Trade and Economics.

Seminarium odbędzie się w języku angielskim.


How we shape the world picture? How we bring in order our personal and social experience? What is an essential component of all human plans, arguments and expectations? When answering these questions, the notion of Time plays a crucial role. Namely cognitive representation of time flow provides a basis for answering of all these questions. The goal of the seminar is to present and discuss different studies on time in psychology and philosophy. The different philosophical concepts of time will be presented and analyzed. From psychological perspective the seminar addresses human ability to process temporal information, various models of individual timing mechanism, ability of human mind to develop few cognitive representations of time flow. The different approaches to definition and measurement of subjective present time (now) will be also presented. The concept of Personal Time Perspective will be highlighted and its impact of life-line will be analyzed.

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