CFP: Cruelty and Brutalism Today

Papers and panels are invited for the interdisciplinary conference, “Cruelty and Brutalism Today”, which will take place in Warsaw from 4-5 November 2024. The conference is organized by the Faculty of “Artes Liberales ” at the University of Warsaw (Poland) and is part of the “Technology and Socialization” project.

Cruelty has many faces. Indeed, the cruelty of war is incomparable to the silent cruelty taking place in the privacy of our homes, and this is different from the cruelty of “cold institutions” that often use the letter of the law. However, what is disturbing is the scale of cruelty and the laughter of torturers acting not only without a sense of guilt but also with a dubious justification for the “greater necessity” of using violence.

In his book Coldness and Cruelty, Gilles Deleuze asks questions about contemporary forms of sadism and masochism. We want to reflect on the forms of the “sadistic Superego” utterly devoted to cruelty, but also the forms of the “masochistic Ego” ready for “affective contact”. The affective constellation of our world gives the impression that we are already operating outside Hegel’s dialectic of recognition, which is the dialectic of recognizing the desire of the Other. Contemporary politics has become devoid of mediation, armed with naked violence that can only escalate.

Andrew Culp claims that our era is not the “age of sad passions but of the masochistic contract that is sealed by fusing the cruel thrill of exploiting others with the self-destructive delights of being oppressed.” This masochistic contract is accompanied by widespread de-medialization, which – as it seems – ends the era of representation. Everyone wants to be present today and present their opinion without the help of a mediator. The representation gives way before the presentation. Does this state of affairs always end with a shitstorm of media that allows immediate release and which becomes – as Byung-Chul Han writes – a kind of “communication reflux” that destroys not only the order of power but also the very possibility of expressing respect. The screen is no longer a window to the world or even a frame but an information board on which data, images, inscriptions and texts move. Today, the screen is a frame for affectation and a seat of indifference. This is a severe problem.

During the conference, we will try to diagnose the sources and forms of atrocities in a world increasingly devoid of intimacy and sensitivity and increasingly filled with brutalism. As Achille Mbembe rightly argues, Brutalism today “is not an architectural style or a type of leading aesthetics, but the very essence of politics”. We argue that this brutalism goes deeper, i.e., the principles of operation of our affects, the libidinal economy. The tools of brutalism are cold (calculated) and hot (expressive) cruelty. Deleuze, citing Roberto Rossellini, concludes that art today is either lament or cruelty. Rossellini himself suggested that cruelty always consists of the violation of someone’s personality, forcing someone to be entirely and unreasonably exposed. Isn’t this the type of total exposure we see daily on our computer screens? We may live in an era of chaos, but does it justify the appeal to “pure factuality” and the policy of “final resorts”, in which the militarization of the police and the politicization of the army have turned our lives into a state of constant occupation?

Presentations are expected to be between 20 and 30 minutes. Please send abstracts of up to 300 words, attached in a Word document, with a short bio to by the 31st of August, 2024. Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact us at the same e-mail address. All information about the conference and the “Technology and Socialization” project can be found here. We are looking forward to your participation and to hosting you in Warsaw.

Organizing Committee :
Professor Szymon Wróbel
Dr Krzysztof Skonieczny
Dr Katarzyna Szafranowska
Mgr Adam Cichoń

Images Between Series and Stream – Rethinking Seriality and Streaming

The conference Images Between Series and Stream – Rethinking Seriality and Streaming will be held online 18 and 19 November 2021.

The starting point of the conference was a fact that watching TV series has become a distinct socio-cultural phenomenon in last decades. The increasing rise of streaming media services has profoundly changed the accessibility standards of TV series but also the way of watching them. However, the domestication of our life in pandemic, made us realize that streaming series and films should become more important objects of our interest than ever before. In some sense, we live in-series and on-stream platforms. New technological situations, such as the presence of videoconferences in our life, presents us not only with new problems but a new reorganisation of sensibile as Jacques Ranciere might say. Video-technology enters into our private sphere and in some sense it calls us to be constantly available – to be on-stream but also to live in series of accessibilities. The re-organisation of our life is obvious, but the role of images in this “re-” or “de-” organisation still requires some reflection. We are in constant tension between being-in-series and being-on-stream. We perceive ourselves as moving-images on screen. It affects our relationships and our perception.

We want to rethink seriality and streaming not only as certain phenomenon, but also as a notion itself. Consequently, what does series and streaming mean? How do they work? How do they shape our life, habitual processes and behavior? How do they change our thinking and orient us toward objects such as works of art? Last but not least – what does it mean to be inside of the series or what does it mean to be outside of the series? What does it mean to be between series and streaming? We hoped to find answers to this and similar questions or at least clarify them during this event.

Confirmed keynote speakers include Adam J. Nocek, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Adam Lipszyc, Jakub Momro, Szymon Wróbel

Passcode: Seriality

Here you could view the conference program and book of abstracts ,  call for papers and information about the organisers.

Program konferencji „Ateizm po polsku”

Na stronie internetowej organizowanej przez Laboratorium konferencji „Ateizm po polsku” prezentujemy abstrakty zaplanowanych wystąpień.

Przypominamy też, że w trakcie konferencji odbędzie się także dyskusja na temat książki Michaela Ruse pt. Ateizm. Co każdy powinien wiedzieć, która ukazała się nakładem Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w roku 2016.

Wezmą w niej udział prof. Szymon Wróbel (Laboratorium Techno-Humanistyki), prof. Jan Woleński (UJ), dr Tomasz Sieczkowski (UŁ, tłumacz książki), dr Joanna Klimczyk (IFiS PAN), prof. Konrad Talmont-Kamoiński (WSFiZ). Dyskusję poprowadzi dr Sebastian Szymański (Laboratorium Techno-Humanistyki).

KONFERENCJA: Ateizm po polsku (26-27 maja 2017)

„Wychodzimy z założenia, że ateizm z wielkim trudem znajduje w Polsce miejsce w debacie publicznej, a jeśli już udaje mu się tam przedostać, to raczej w kontekście sporu o wyobrażenia religijne niż filozoficznej dyskusji. Żyjemy w kulturze redukującej konieczną dla rozwoju społecznego sferę publiczną do stwierdzania faktów, a nie do budowania refleksyjnego odniesienia tak do nich, jak i do pojęć określających nasz stosunek do kwestii symbolicznych, reguł etycznych i estetycznych oraz polityki” [ze wstępu do call for papers]. Czytaj dalej KONFERENCJA: Ateizm po polsku (26-27 maja 2017)

KONFERENCJA: Atheism Revisited (25-26 października 2017)

Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa poświęcona tematyce ateizmu organizowana przez Laboratorium Techno-Humanistyki odbędzie się 25-26 października 2017 roku w Warszawie. Wśród gości znaleźli się Julian Baggini, Daniel C. Barber, Patrick O’Connor, Monika Bobako, Jacek Dobrowolski, Andrzej Gniazdowski, Mateusz Janik, Nick Land, Adam Lipszyc i Ewa Majewska.

Strona internetowa

Czytaj dalej KONFERENCJA: Atheism Revisited (25-26 października 2017)

Zapraszamy na „Ciało/oko/mózg”

6 grudnia 2014 r. odbędzie się druga edycja konferencji Wymiary wiedzy w Nowych Technologiach organizowana przez Komisję Techno-humanistyki WAL UW.

Tegoroczna edycja będzie zatytułowana „Ciało/oko/mózg”, a więcej informacji na jej temat znajdziecie na jej stronie.